The Liebster Award


I’m so excited and honored to have been nominated for the Liebster Award, by Fourth Generation Farmgirl.  I started this blog back in April after being encouraged by a good friend. Over the last few months I have learned many things about myself and I have been inspired by so many of you.  Thank you so much Forth Generation Farmgirl for nominating me and I happily accept this award.


There are just a few rules associated with the Liebster Award, the main points being:

1: Acknowledge and accept the Liebster Award by leaving a comment on the blog where you were nominated.

2: Copy and paste the Liebster logo onto your own blog.

3: Link back to the blogger who awarded you.

4: Answer the 11 questions put to you by the person who nominated you.

5: List 11 random facts about yourself.

6: Nominate and link to 3—11 other blogs you enjoy that have less than 3000 followers

7: List 11 questions for your Liebster Award nominees on your blog.

8: Inform your nominees by leaving a comment on their blog.


Drumroll Please……..

The nominations for the Liebster Award are…..

The Travelling Pantry

Sara ‘n Spice

Miles + Mimosas 

Scratch It

The Thankful Heart  

Another Foodie Blogger 

Cooking Up The Pantry


Here are your Questions: 

Why did you start blogging?

When do you do your best writing?

What is the craziest thing you have ever done/wanted to do?

What is your dream job?

What is your favorite food?

Where is the farthest place you have traveled?

What is your favorite Holiday tradition?

Are you a morning person? Or a night Owl?

Coffee or Tea?

Favorite Quote?

The title of your most used cookbook?


These are the 11 Questions I was asked: 


1.  Why did you start to blog?

One of my friends just kept telling me to start a food blog because I was making them hungry all the time.

2.  What is your earliest memory?

My earliest memory was my parents taking me to Dinosaur Sate Park, in Glen Rose Texas to see the Dinosaur footprints along the river.  I’ve loved Dinosaurs ever since then and if I could do any thing today I would be a paleontologist.

3.  Who has been your greatest influence?

My friends and family.

4.  What is your favorite film?

Meet Me In St. Louis. But I also love Casablanca and anything staring Cary Grant.

5.  Which phrase do you most overuse?

Good Grief…

6.  What makes you happy?

Besides cooking, I love Traveling and always being on the go.  That feeling you get as the airplane races down the runway…. Where am I off to next!?!?

7.  What disturbs you?

Toads or Frogs….. They freak me out.

8.  Who would you most like to come to dinner?

Ina Garten.  I just love her.

9.  What is your favorite book?

A cookbook 🙂 but I could never name just one favorite.  The Homesick Texan by Lisa Fain. My Little Paris Kitchen by Rachel Khoo.  Made in Italy by David Rocco. Barefoot in Paris by Ina Garten

10.  What is your most treasured possession?

A notebook of my Grandmother recipes written in her handwriting.

11.  What would most improve the quality of your life?

The Dallas Cowboys winning the Super Bowl.  That would be a major moral boost around here 🙂

11 Random Facts About Me….

I’m a natural red-head… I’ve never once dyed my hair out of fear it would turn green.

I love to travel and my must see list is extensive….

South France is the most beautiful place I’ve ever been. I could happily live there on a cliff side overlooking the sea.

I’ve never lived anywhere but Texas.

I have a life long goal to swim with a Great White Shark in South Africa.

I’m a huge Doctor Who fan, and David Tennant is my Doctor.

I love Winter and the possibility of snow.

I’m a morning person…..  after I’ve had my coffee.

I love spending Saturday mornings watching Football (Soccer) and I’m a Manchester City Fan.

I adore listening to music from the 30’s and 40’s.

Finally, I love Cooking and my kitchen is my happy place.



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My name is Melody and I am the cook and blogger behind Meals With Mel. I have a love for traveling, I share a joy for gardening, and I have a passion for cooking. Although I do some baking, I don't consider myself a baker as I can't stand having to measure. When it comes to cooking my philosophy is add a bit of this, a dash of that, a splash of something doesn't hurt, never forget some type of pepper and always add at least one clove of garlic. Thanks for stopping by my Spicy Texas Kitchen and I hope to see you again!!! Melody

6 thoughts on “The Liebster Award

  1. Thank you so much for the nomination! I’m hoping I can get around to paying it forward for this one, but we are actually in the process of remodeling a house we just bought and are planning on moving in this weekend, YIKES! But maybe in the next couple of weeks? Once again, MANY THANKS! Love your blog!


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